influence + progression CLICKED

Hey citizens,

After struggling a while with the player progression system and how it would connect to the titan-city itself, I think I've solved it!

  • Gone is the standard "complete quest to level up and then select an attribute to upgrade".
  • Now, completing Tasks and building Relationships with characters gives you INFLUENCE. 
  • Additionally, small story decisions appear each day (<insert cool name here>) that allow you to make an impact on the city by spending INFLUENCE. Each decision has two options, and selecting one of these costs INFLUENCE. 
  • Making choices here opens new Locations (e.g. constructs or makes them appear), upgrades or downgrades your Attributes, grants Traits and causes cosmetic changes to the titan-city.

While some names need to be fine-tuned, it now feels as if everything you do feeds back into your INFLUENCE on Markoth, wjhich in turn impacts your surroundings and yourself. It reinforces the themes *hooray*!

- Milan


gorepunk - Windows - 89 MB
Nov 01, 2024
gorepunk WebGL - Play in browser
Nov 01, 2024

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