
A blood-soaked eco-punk RPG where humanity thrives in the corpses of dead titans.

gorepunk is in active development, which means what you can play here is an EXTREMELY early prototype. I use it mainly to show off the concept, gauge interest and for me to experiment.

Publishers: you can find the pitchdeck for gorepunk here.


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That was interesting and not what I was expecting. 

I wish I had more feedback outside of it really felt experimental and unique.  

However, not sure if I encountered a glitch but this intense flashing lights which made it difficult to read after a bit and so I had to kind of call it quits to keep from getting a headache.  If that was intentionally, I would recommend providing a warning that game has strobing/flashing lights and even better the ability to reduce/turn that off.  If it was a glitch I'm on MacOS, using Chrome and played the WebGL version.

Hey rchava,

Thanks for playing! I'm really sorry about the flashing lights, that is DEFINITELY not intended :/ Hope your brain recovered quickly.. I didn't test the game on MacOS, but browser-wise it should be fine.. I'll have a proper look so others don't suffer the same!

Glad you found it unique, I'll keep working on it! :)

- Milan

Well! This is definitely an... experience lol.

I honestly have no idea what eco punk is, but the style of this game is very flamboyant and in-your-face with things. It isn't really my type of game, as I'm not used to reading walls of text in something that's not more of a visual novel. BUT, I think the text walls add a lot to the world, themes, story, and characters nicely. With the detailed art it sticks out and gives things an interesting flow. 

It's cool how the battle system is sort of dice-based and has unique mechanics. I immediately got DND vibes when answering those questions at the beginning, so the "battle system" of sorts really expanded that idea for me.

 I will say that overall, it's a really cool and experimental piece that is oozing with artistic touch, but it may turn a good bit of players away due to its graphic nature and niche genre.

Great work!

Hey Wasabi,

Thanks for the in-depth comments! Really appreciate you taking the time to play it even if it wasn't your cup of tea.

Eco-punk is a genre I just kind of made up, focusing on themes of ecology, so it is indeed a nonsense word.. Hopefully it can become an actual term after gorepunk releases!

- Milan


That was.. unbelievably fast :D Thanks for playing ^^